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What Our Students Have to Say...

Trupti Thakurdas

Because of Koham, I got my confidence to start my foodpreneur journey.

Shruthi Rajput

This program has a great influence on my professional success today.

Here's What you GET

Instant Access To Success Blueprint Bootcamp
(Value ₹ 27,999).

You will learn Secret Psychology used by successful people for generating success and wealth inspite of anything, and learn how to apply the same. Identify your unconscious conditioning about success and how to change that.

BONUS #1:Grow Your Financial Intelligence (Value ₹ 14,999).

80% of the world population has finance and money problem and one of the reason they are not able to solve this is because they are not trained to manage this. In this program, we teach you techniques which help you grow your financial intelligence used by the top 20% of world’s successful people.

BONUS #2:Personality Assessment (Value ₹ 9,999).

Awareness is the first step in the process of change management. Get aware about your key strengths and areas of improvement. This in-depth assessment opens a lot of different aspects of your personality which when you get aware of, helps you in outlining a strategy for your professional and personal approaches in life.

BONUS #3:Group Coaching for FREE (Value ₹ 5000).

In this group coaching, personality report will be explained to you and QnA session will happen.

BONUS #4:Bring a Buddy - 1 Extra Participant for Free
(Value ₹ 57,997).

That's a huge bonus, we offer bring a buddy for free, which means you can get 1 more participant (a friend or relative) for this program who can avail all the benefits of the course.

Total Value: OVER ₹ 115,994

Yours all for JUST 1 Payment of ₹ 6999

Customer Reviews

  • dana

    "I am really grateful to Koham, they guided me at the right time when it was most needed in my life."

    Ankit Golatkar

  • jack

    "Koham helped me by laying a step by step foundation towards my success."

    Ketan Sawant

  • nico

    "Koham gave me a completely different perspective towards my life which helped me a lot in my professional and personal life."

    Ashutosh Dhamne